Otterly big site update

If you've been looking at this website the last week, you might have noticed that quite a few things have changed, even more under the hood.

I added a no-css/html3.2 site version for maximum compatability and data saving, the main one is now html 4.01 and css validated, there also has been some code cleanup, not much, but a bit.

We now have our own server for those who don't know, this github will stay though, and has another function, if you see something about my site that isn't quite right or could be done better Go ahead and write an issue, or contribute!

Want to give me bellyrubs? Send me an email!

© 🦦 Otter(tm), A true otter No CSS? Too Slow?

no smartphones
no linuxisms
nishi approved chrome is evil colors! him powered by apache html 4.01 css